Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Southern Highlands Wine Tasting

As a part of the program I was on, one of our excursions was wine tasting in the Southern Highlands. Obviously, I would never turn down a full day of wining and dining (literally). While Sydney's most famous wine region is Hunter Valley, we went to the Southern Highlands. It was my first wine tasting experience (perks of being legal outside of the US).  We made three stops on our wine tasting tour: Cherry Tree Hill, Eling Forest, and Joadja Estate. 
Given that my parents are very into wine I had known a few terms and how wineries generally were, but it was interesting to learn about the differences between Californian and Australian vineyards. The people at every winery were so welcoming and passionate about their products. My friends and I ended up purchasing a bottle at our second stop, which we took to a delicious, Italian dinner in Surry Hills later that week! 
It's safe to say my first (of many *fingers-crossed*) wine tasting experience was a success. And yes, I base "success" on the fact that I had a lot of laughs, saw beautiful views, and last, but certainly not least had a nice buzz by the end of day! 


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